Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bread and Puppet Circus & Parade! Sept 27-29

Dear Bread and Puppet supporters,

Bread and Puppet is coming to DC Sept 27-29, but only by the skin of their paper mache teeth! They are taking a special trip down from Vermont to support Appalachia Rising, a wonderful event challenging mountaintop removal, and will perform their circus for us Sept 28 & 29! However! They have not been able to find any paying gigs along the way, so we are trying to drum up a little travel fund to help them with their expenses.

It's up to us, DC, to help Bread and Puppet! Please come on out to one of the circus performances (announced below)! And if you have a little extra money you were thinking to use for another round at bingo night, consider donating it to our B&P Travel Fund instead!

(Travel Fund donations can either be put in the donation hat at a circus performance or sent to: Bread and Puppet Travel Fund, Attn: Linda Elbow, 753 Heights Rd, Glover, VT 05839! Checks can be made out to "Bread and Puppet Theater")

Thanks so much! See you at the circus!

Puppet Underground

Parade with Bread and Puppet
in Appalachia Rising's Day of Action!

Monday, Sept 27th
Meet at 10am if you want to learn a puppet
March from 11am-12:15

WHERE: Meet at Freedom Plaza (13th and Pennsylvania Ave NW)
Look for the big puppets!

Appalachia Rising, an event which will take place in Washington DC from September 25-27, is a national response to the poisoning of America’s water supply, the destruction of Appalachia’s mountains, head water source streams, and communities through mountaintop removal coal mining. It follows a long history of social action for a just and sustainable Appalachia. Appalachia Rising strives to unite coalfield residents, grass roots groups, individuals, and national organizations to call for the abolition of mountaintop removal coal mining and demand that America’s water be protected from all forms of surface mining.

The weekend conference, Sept. 25-26, Voices from the Mountains will provide an opportunity to build or join the movement for justice in Appalachia through strategy discussions and share knowledge across regional and generational lines.

Monday, Sept.27, is the Appalachia Rising Day of Action which will unify thousands in calling for an end to mountaintop removal and all forms of steep slope surface mining though a vibrant march and rally. An act of dignified non-violent civil disobedience will be possible for those who wish to express themselves by risking arrest.

For more information, visit appalachiarising.org


And don't miss Bread and Puppet Theater's

Decapitalization Circus!

WHEN: Tuesday, Sept 28 at 7pm and
Wednesday, Sept 29 at 7pm

WHERE: St. Stephen's Church in the Sanctuary
1525 Newton St NW

COST: $5-$15 Sliding Scale Donation

The Decapitalization Circus demonstrates in numerous death-defying stunts the phantastic effects of the capitalization of life in the U.S. and citizens’ courageous efforts of decapitalization. The performers represent the whole scale of the social spectrum from benign billionairism to despicable homeless anti-social-elementarianism. All the acts are FDA and FBI certified displays of patriotic correctness and defy all imaginable forms of terrorism. The Possibilitarians, a multi-instrumental variety ensemble, provide the appropriate-inappropriate sounds for the circus.

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