We are really really really excited that Erik Ruin, Maryanne Colella AND Katherine Fahey are all finally coming to town! And all in ONE cabaret! How convenient for you! They are each in their own right very amazing artists. We hope you make an extra effort to come out and see them on Monday. (And to tell all your friends!) It will be well worth the effort! Details below!
Puppet Underground
(And please help us spread the word through facebook!)
(AND And thanks to Amanda Huron who organized this cabaret!)
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Are your Monday nights boring? Tedious? Lonely? Or just Meh?
You can get help.
You can get help.
We have the answer to all your Monday night woes. It's Live! It's Entertaining! It has all the scintillating excitement of a Weekend!! It's the...
Monday, June 17, 7:00 PM.
La Casa, 3166 Mt. Pleasant St. NW, WDC.
$5-10 sliding scale donation.
Weed Tree // local experimental guitar/drums duo of Amanda Huron and Layne Garrett.
One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin // gorgeous puppetry from Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella -- see details below!
Katherine Fahey puppetry // hand-cranked puppet shows and song from Baltimore.
Mike Andre // local songs of dissonance and beauty.
One Touch Of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin
is a table-top toy theater show by Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella concerning disasters and the organic mutual aid efforts/networks which arise in their wake. Amongst other examples, we focus on the Halifax ship explosion of 1917, the largest man-made explosion before the invention of the atom bomb. The show incorporates sprawling silk-screened graphics come to life, toy instruments, tape-deck sound effects and text from Rebecca Solnit's book A Paradise Built In Hell.
is a table-top toy theater show by Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella concerning disasters and the organic mutual aid efforts/networks which arise in their wake. Amongst other examples, we focus on the Halifax ship explosion of 1917, the largest man-made explosion before the invention of the atom bomb. The show incorporates sprawling silk-screened graphics come to life, toy instruments, tape-deck sound effects and text from Rebecca Solnit's book A Paradise Built In Hell.
Maryann Colella is a puppeteer, dancer, mask-maker and street-theater instigator who has been working with The Bread & Puppet Theater for the past 7 years, and has also collaborated with All the Saints Theater Company, Royal Frog Ballet, the Boston Radical Arts Troupe, Deep In the Belly, the Puppeteers Cooperative and Agua Sol Y Soreno.
Katherine Fahey is a designer, performer and printmaker. She embodies a community of musicians, artists and writers where elegance and authenticity are signal virtues. Her cut paper and prints have become music posters, shadow puppets, portraits, set design and animation, including a lush music videos for musicians such as Wye Oak and ellen cherry.