Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Puppets In The Cold!

On the eve of this impending snowpocalypse, in this chilliest of months, Puppet Underground invites you to mark your calendars as we proudly brrrrrrrrrrrring you an international collection of puppeteers at:
The Chilly Day Cabaret!

WHEN: Saturday, February 20th at 7pm

WHERE: St. Stephen’s Church (Auditorium)
1525 Newton St NW

COST: $5-$10 Sliding Scale

(And bring your own bowl!)

“The Tale of the Hungry Mouths: A Soup Opera” by The Brothers Harrell

A soup opera served warm. A candlelight observance on six stages. Hailing from the rich tradition of southern puppet families, the Bros. Harrell dish up an evening of ultra low-tech neo-contemporary mixed-media performance art. Bring your own bowl.

“The Suitcase of Life” by Papermoon Puppet Theatre

Papermoon comes to us from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a group experimenting with puppetry through international and multi-cultural collaborations. "The Suitcase of Life" is an interactive puppet play exploring selling the unsellable…

And one more surprise guest artist!

Keep cozy!

Melissa, Ximena, Anna, Janelle and Lily
of Puppet Underground